Fast Facts and Stats
5 million children under the age of 18 are living in a home with an unsecured firearm.
One study found that households that locked both firearms and ammunition were associated with a 78 percent lower risk of self-inflicted firearm injuries and an 85 percent lower risk of unintentional firearm injuries among children and teens.
When gunshots are fired on school grounds, 80% of the time that gun was unsecured in the shooter's house, or the house of a friend or relative.
Young Black men (15–34) account for 38 percent of gun deaths, even though they represent only 2% of the total population in the U.S.
Each year, an estimated 200,000 to 500,000 guns are stolen and many are funneled off the legal market, where once-legally-owned firearms can be transferred to people with dangerous histories.